Words + Photos By: Sandy Joy Edwards

Backpack. psoas quad

Backpack – psoas and quad stretch
The base puts your bum on the low back of your partner and gently leans forward with a flat back. The flyer fills an opening through the psoas muscle, quads and upper back.

Hamstring lean

Hamstring lean
Both partners face away from each other and bend forward to look between their legs. Cross arms and hold wrist to wrist. Gently lean away from each other equally.

Hamstring stretch 

Hamstring stretch
Sit back to back. One partner comes up onto their feet and places sit bones onto partners sacrum. The other partner leans forward as the weight of their partner opens up the back of their legs.

Straddle stretch colour

Straddle stretch
Sit facing each other with the legs as wide as you can get them. Cross arms and take a wrist to wrist grip. One partner leans back with a flat back as the other leans forward with a flat back. Work slowly and keep communicating.


Shoulder opener
Stand facing each other, palms to palms. Lean into the hands of your partner and push your chest towards the floor and your hands up. Keep the back flat.