Words By: Sandy Joy

This month we look at strength and conditioning partner work, to have a good workout with your partner and a lot of fun in the process.

Partner push ups a

Partner push-ups A
One partner lies on the floor, the other takes a hand-to-hand grip and leans over their partner, bringing their body into a plank position. From here the partner in plank bends their elbows narrow by their side and does push ups. Harder than it looks. Remember to keep your body in a plank position, one straight like from head to heels.

Partner push ups b

Partner push-ups B
Both partners straighten their arms, now just the partner on the floor bends and straightens their elbows and does push ups. If you want more challenge try both bending your elbows simultaneously.

Plank on plank

Plank on plank
One partner comes into a plank position on the floor with their feet as wide as their partner’s shoulders. Their partner places their hands on the ankles and then steps the front of both feet onto their partner’s shoulders. Maintain your strong position. Optional to add push-ups here too.


For this one, you might want to use a spotter (a third person to get you into the position). One partner lies on their back on the floor with their feet as wide as their partner’s ankles. The second partner places their hands on their partner’s ankles and their ankles in their partner’s straight arms. Simultaneously the partner on top lifts their hips up over their shoulders as the partner on the floor sits up to a 90-degree angle.

Plank to pike

Plank to pike A
One partner comes into plank. Their partner holds onto their one ankle as they lift the other leg to meet it (major inner thigh work).

Plank to pike 2

Plank to pike B
From here the partner in plank lifts their hips up over their shoulders as their partner walks forward slightly with them.

Hollow body rocks

Hollow body rocks
One partner lies down, brings their arms towards their ears and lifts their upper body off the mat until just the tips of the shoulder blades are resting. They bend their knees to around 90 degrees. They start to gently rock back and forth, trying to maintain the shape like the bottom of a ship. The second partner can help to rock them back and forth by placing one hand under the upper back and the other behind the thighs.


After all the conditioning it’s nice to relax the body. One partner sits behind the other and they take a thumb-to-thumb grip. Place one foot at 45 degrees on your partner’s low back and the other at 45 degrees between your partner’s shoulder blades. Gently begin to straighten the top leg as your partner leans back towards you.