Words + Photos By: Sandy Joy

This month, we look at partner stretches to help ease and release legs, lower back and shoulders as these are areas of the body we generally tighten in specifically when diving and carrying heavy equipment. We also add in some core work as prevention is always better than cure and a strong core is essential to good posture and a healthy body.

Partner chest opener better

1. Partner Chest Opener
Sit back to back in any comfortable position. Extend your arms out to the side and interlink your palms. One partner gently pulls the arms of their partner towards them, slowly opening the pec muscles.

Partner twist

2. Partner Twist
Keep the arms as above and gentle twist to one side and then the other.

Hamstring stretch

3. Hamstring Stretch
One partner extends their legs out to straight. The other bends their knees and places the feet on the ground. As the partner with straight legs leans forward (only as far as comfortably possibly) the other comes with, extending their arms up and moving into a comfortable backbend.

Double hamstring stretch

4. Double Hamstring Stretch
Sit foot to foot with your partner. Reach for each others’ hands (you may need to take your legs apart slightly or bend your knees to reach).

Single leg boat

5. Single Leg Boat Pose
Sit facing each other and hold wrist to wrist. Extend one leg up and gently press into the foot of your partner. Draw your abdominals in and allow your back to lengthen upwards. Repeat on the other side.

Double leg boat

6. Double Leg Boat Pose
Raise the second leg up to meet the first. Press your feet towards your partners and draw your chest away to open the upper back.

Massage table 1

7. Massage Table 1
One partner comes onto all fours. The other lies over their back with their behind hanging down towards the floor. The partner on all fours rounds their back.

Massage table 2

8. Massage Table 2
Now the partner extends their back into a backbend and looks up. Repeat 1 and 2 to create a wave like motion while your partner enjoys a back massage.