There are times in a person’s life wherein something occurs to them that ultimately leads them to the life in the great outdoors. It can be any sort of event, it just so happens that for yogi Lina Zoghaib, this had to come in the form of a heartbreak. But leading back to the initial statement, this event introduced her to the beautiful and meditative world of the outdoors — to the world of Yoga.

How did you first get into yoga?

A heartbreak has led me on this beautiful journey of my life. I started yoga in gym back in 2009, I did it three times a week and I felt amazed by the physical challenges and the spiritual connection it gives. Afterwards, I decided to learn more about yoga and its benefits and I have travelled all over world learning from different teachers and I have joined a few yoga retreats.

Are there any other sports that you are involved with?

Outdoor activities: Hiking, Paddleboarding and Swimming


What do you think are the benefits of practicing yoga?

Yoga has tremendous effects on the body and mind.

A regular practice of Yoga helps in:

  1. Strengthening the Body – It improves muscle tone; helps build strong abs, back muscles and quadriceps. All poses build core strength in the deep abdominal muscles.
  2. Helps Build Better Posture – Since Yoga strengthens the core muscles we are more likely to sit tall and straight, which allows the spine to absorb more oxygen.
  3. Great Benefits for the Heart – Lower blood pressure and slower heart rate —both improving the cardiovascular system
  4. Breathing Benefits – More awareness of each breath, increasing the lungs’ capacity for O2 which also helps calm the nervous system,
  5. Calms and relaxes the mind through various meditation techniques, which increases the level of focus and concentration.

What do you love most about Yoga?

I feel fulfilled mentally, physically and spiritually after my practise; I also I love the fact that I can travel anywhere in the world and find shalas to practise. I also absolutely love the community events and festivals where I can practise and meet likeminded people. Through my community yoga, I am helping build a school for orphans in Kenya: (Africa Kids on Facebook), and this brings me so much joy and fulfilment.


When was the most memorable moment for you in your history of being a yogi?

It was during my teaching course in India, when I was able to finally focus during meditation. I was never able to calm my brain, and through daily practise and the help of many teachers, I started to experience the beauty of being still and calm. I finally understood the concept that happiness comes from within… no matter where you go or what you do, if you are happy with yourself, you can reflect this happiness on to others, and spread the love.

How has yoga impact your life?

The major impact is the connection I have with my higher power.

Do you see yourself continuing in yoga years from now?

Yoga is a lifestyle, and I totally love this lifestyle, so yes, of course! And I will be doing my best to learn and grow more.

What comes next for you? Where could we see you in action?

I have embarked in a lifetime journey and every day is a learning curve for me, there will be more workshops with international teachers. I will be visiting India for my regular practise with my teacher Anup Gupta, and since I teach community sessions outdoors, I am working on an outdoor project which I am hoping I can share it with you by end of September. Check out my Facebook page: InstaYoga for the latest updates.


By end of September I will restart my community Yoga on the beach near Burj Al Arab, three times a week – all updates will be shared on Facebook and I keep my group updated on Whatsapp at 056-4159025 for anyone who would like to join.

Lastly, being a yogi, what do you always tell your students?

Take time to be silent, to reflect back on yourself, allow yourself to slow down, and enjoy the beauty of now. I always share inspirational quotes and prayers ”The strongest trees in the forest grow the slowest”, “Dear God, grant us the serenity of mind to accept what can be changed, to have the courage to accept which cannot be changed, and to have the wisdom to know the one from the other”


Age: 33

Nationality: Lebanese-Canadian

Occupation: Hatha Yoga Teacher