This month we look at partner and individual stretches for the shoulders and hips, to get you back into the wing of things after the summer. Always remember to be patient with your body, breathe into any discomfort and communicate when working with a partner.

Double forward fold

Double Forward Fold:
Stand back to back with your partner and then fold forward. Take a wrist to wrist grip and simultaneously lean away form one another. If you are very flexible you may need to step a little further away from each other. This is a great hamstring opener.


Mini Backpack:
Still back to back, the partner who is “lifting” the other bends their knees so their buttocks sit below their partner’s, onto their partner’s thighs. Then gently lean forward (not beyond 90°) and the partner is stretched along with them. Great for opening both the shoulders and the hips simultaneously.

London bridge

London Bridge:
Lay down hip to hip on the floor. Feed one arm under your partner’s legs so you can hold hands. Simultaneously lift the hips off the mat so the toes are directly over your face, and then come back down to the opposite side. The action is like the London Bridge opening and closing to allow a boat to pass. Great core workout!

Low lunge

Low Lunge:
Start on all fours then step one foot between your hands. Press the hips gently forward to feel a release in the front of your hip. Option is to keep the hands on the floor or to extend the arms up and take a gentle backbend.

High lunge extension

High Lunge:
As above and then press into the back foot to lift the back knee up.

Side Twist:

From all fours extend one arm up to the sky, trying to keep the pelvis square to the ground. Look up at the top hand to really open the chest.

Shoulder opener better

Shoulder Opener:
From the side twist thread your arm through the opposite arm and leg as though you were threading a needle. Allow the shoulder to rest on the floor if possible to open up the space between your shoulder blades.

Sandy Joy Rubin