Words By: Monica Antal

Since childhood I liked to have my bags packed and ready for adventure. My mother used to joke that I had my entire life packed in a suitcase. So, after I finished my studies, it was time. I applied for the airlines, and got a job in the capital of the United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi. I’m Monica and I’m from Romania and here are my adventures that unfold straight from the sky.

Around the world in running shoes

My idea of travelling the world was a little different than what the job of cabin crew actually proved to be. I was more interested in nature and mountains rather than the fast-paced city life. I had to adapt to make it more enjoyable. It became a journey of observation; I soaked up the people, their culture, their lifestyle and their cities.

For air crew, a layover in a destination commonly takes 24 hours long, and out of this you have to balance your rest and exploration time.

I wanted to do everything, including sightseeing and most importantly my beloved sports, but in time I discovered that I would have to choose. So it was my destiny that those running shoes would accompany me to every corner of this beautiful world, they became my most loyal travel companion.

Destinations I like to run


I started with running marathons and half-marathon races long before I joined the airlines. My dusty medal collection, dormant in a drawer of my childhood desk, back in my home country of Romania, encompasses the finisher’s souvenirs from races all over Romania, and also Vienna, Paris, Munich, Barcelona and Hungary.

After I started flying, planning and signing in for races became difficult, and I could not get days off for specific dates, so I planned my own race, my own route in each of my travel destinations.

Running 21km still feels like an accomplishment. Running in a city with a camera in your CamelBak gives you the chance to cover much more ground. Exploring on foot, you can discover hidden corners; indulge in little treats on the street – things you can’t even find in comprehensive tourist guidebooks. You become aware of the surroundings; you feel the culture, notice the peoples’ expressions and what lies under a nation’s façade.

Running is for loners, or for social people; for optimists or pessimists. For people who love rain or hate it. Adding obstacles always gives more value to your achievement. So going flat or always choosing the path most travelled by is not always the most rewarding experience.

Out of my travels I came up with three places where I love to run.

PARIS (The city trail) – Oh la la! One of my favourite European cities to run. Has so many parks, so many good runs along the Seine. What catches my eye is the way the French ladies dress up, the way they carry their umbrellas during rainy days, and the way they cycle. France is also home to the Tour de France! The city cycles while in suits, with the laptops in the basket, or wearing a mini and the handbag on one shoulder then add some heels. I find it trés chic!


SINGAPORE (The jungle and the beachscape) – The tropical climate and the high humidity doesn’t make it an ideal destination for running. You can easily trick your feet by allowing your eyes to enjoy the lush greens and the lovely vegetation. If you feel like covering as much ground as you can, just choose Sentosa Island. Every step on the luxurious beaches, or the muddy and hilly jungle, makes you pick up the pace. Outrunning mosquitoes is always a good stimulant to increasing your speed, but the earthy smell and greenery makes it worth it.

OMAN (The social mountain run) – One of the most pleasant escapes, the Sultanate of Oman offers so many options to hike. From Khasab to Muscat, the landscape is stunning as well as the beautiful curvy roads, the sea breeze and the desert. Simply stunning it will leave you breathless. From March to October it will be hot, but Jebel Shams or Jebel Akdar remains cool even during the summer months. The capital of Oman, Muscat, is the home of one of the most active running community in the Middle East. Here, if you prefer running on solid ground you can join the Muscat Road Runners, or if you want to head up to the remote mountain surroundings of Muscat you have the option to get involved in some serious socialising: Jebel Hash House Harriers (H3) and Muscat Hash House Harriers (MH3). The two non-profit institutions organise weekly events where people of all ages and fitness levels, get involved and have fun, trying to cover together a previously marked path, followed by a rehydration social gathering, that I would classify from its cheerful beat as an after-run party.

Made you curious? Want to be part of it? Put your running shoes on. Ready? Get set! Go!

I will join your path no matter where; still, I have a world ahead to discover.


Monica Antal is originally from Romania and has been living in Abu Dhabi for five years. She currently works as air crew for Etihad Airways. The UAE is a world hub for the aviation industry. These are her adventures from around the world as nights and days merge into one and she seeks out adventure in the UAE and in far-flung places.