Since the first day of OutdoorUAE, providing information to enjoy the outdoors in the United Arab
Emirates is the main purpose. And what information could be more important than the “where”. So over the past years we researched, observed and finally developed a new feature on our website which makes finding places and routes for outdoor activities easier and more fun than ever. To make sure we have the best and latest routes we ask the best experts to help us – you, our readers.


It is fast and easy to share your routes and places with the community! All you need is a .GPX file, a few photos and a description which can be a few words up to a detailed instruction. To upload a route, just visit our website and fill in the upload form and load the files which takes only a few minutes. All the rest will be done by us and within a day, your route – with Google Maps and download link is online.


We hope that everyone will use this great feature to share their own routes and try new ones. Since this is a new feature we are happy about any feedback to give you the easiest and most convenient tool so that everyone can enjoy the outdoors.

Words + Photos By: Daniel Birkhofer