Season’s greetings paleo lovers! Since we are now in December it feels only right to have a recipe to suit, and get in the spirit of things. Christmas is that time of year to give and be merry, reflect on the year that was and start to plan the year that is coming. Down at the café it’s business as usual having numerous events left right and centre, new menus and thinking about launching a delivery service early next year. It’s all go around this neck of the woods, but as Christmas draws closer I can’t help but think of my loved ones and remembering what Christmas was like for me as a child.

Back home in New Zealand we would always have Christmas Lunch with a glazed ham, potato salad and all sorts of different Pacific island delicacies — my favourite always being a raw fish dish. White flesh fish marinated in lemon juice and finished with coconut cream. I remember sneaking into the fridge the night before and helping myself to a sneaky bowl hoping that my mum wouldn’t notice. There was always a lot of seafood – fresh sliced tuna, oysters and sea urchin. Ah, thinking about it all is making me hungry.


Since being in Dubai for my second Christmas this time I’ve noticed that a lot of people enjoy having the classic roast turkey for their Christmas spread. Turkey is a very staple meat as it is very low in fat and is a rich source of iron, zinc, potassium and phosphorus. It’s a little tricky cooking such a large bird if you’ve never done it before. So here is a quick little recipe for the perfect roast turkey and a couple of tasty side dishes to accompany your bird.

From all of us at The Cycle Bistro, Merry Christmas and we will see you in 2016!

Roast Turkey Brine



4L of water

1 cup of salt

1 cup of maple syrup

Bay leaves

Cracked pepper

Crushed garlic

5 apples


Mix all the ingredients and making sure that all the salt has been diluted. Choose a container where you can fit the whole bird ensuring the brining mix covers all the bird. Refrigerate for 24 hours before removing from the brine.

Rinse of the bird and season with pepper before roasting. Do not salt. Fill the bird with some onions and herbs for some extra flavour. Fill the roasting tray slightly with some chicken stock and cover, then roast for an hour. A good rule to go by is 13mins for every 500gms; after one hour remove the cover and continue roasting until cooked. Don’t forget to baste every 30mins or so. For the last 30mins drizzle some maple syrup to help get you that nice, crispy, brown skin.

Glazed Brussel Sprouts and Bacon



Brussel sprouts

Beef bacon

Onions chopped

Garlic crushed

Olive oil


Blanch your brussel sprouts until tender. Then cut in half lengthways. Sauté with bacon onions and garlic until nicely colored and ready to eat.

Baked Sweet Potato with Pecans and Honey



Sweet potato




Wash your sweet potato and wrap with aluminium foil. Roast until cooked.

Coat your pecans with honey and a pinch of salt then bake until golden brown. Allow to cool fully and garnish the sweet potato.


Words + Recipe By: Chef Patrick Ikinofo