In December, I published a writing journal for kids called, “My Travel Journal.”  My objective was to encourage children to write, explore and learn.  I love to read what kids have to write, their imagination and way of thinking fascinates me. A young girl, who lives in Dubai, shared with me details of her travel journal for a trip she took to Oman with her family last month.

This little girl drove with her family from Dubai to Muscat then to Sifawi over three days. This adventurous seven-year old kept herself busy, she played on the beach with her brother, swam at the hotel pool (even though the temperature outside was about 15°C), had a picnic in a beautiful bay where she saw sea urchins, fish and crabs, she climbed up cliffs with her dad. She saw tens of goats on the street and she collected loads of shells off the beach. Here are some excerpts from her journal:

 Funniest part of the trip: “When I did a handstand I fell on my face in the sand!”

People I met on the trip: “A shrimp that was stuck on a rock, a crab with eyes not stuck on its face but sticking out and a goat that kept following me.”

I will never forget: “All the goats I saw on the road”

The travel journal was amusing to read, so imagine how entertaining and memorable it would be for the family to look at it a few years from now.  So go ahead and encourage your kids to write, write, write! Through “My Travel Journal,” I want children to learn about the places they are visiting, so I have incorporated various facts that children will need to research or look for so after their trip they know the country’s capital, population, currency used, important landmarks, neighbouring countries and cities.  This is will enhance a child’s awareness and curiosity while simultaneously entertaining them. The book is available in Adventure HQ in Times Square. Words by Sarah Derbas